Nine years ago I lost my mother, my best friend, my confidant to the ugly thing we call Ovarian Cancer. My mom was my first inspiration for participating in the Revlon Walk years ago, but today I do it for many other reasons. Every time my best friend and I walk, we are saddened by the many loses and touched by the amazing strength of the survivors. When doing the walk I always run into other friends who are there in support of someone they lost to cancer, someone they love who is currently going through cancer, or they are there in hopes of helping to find a cure for breast and ovarian cancer.
Since the Revlon Walk is Mother's Day weekend, and in honor of my mom and all of the women who are affected by any form of cancer, we are offering all of our new clients a 10% discount off any package or a free wedding day gift for all of our current clients if you show us that you participated in the Revlon/Run Walk for 2010. You must submit your information by May 22, 2010 via email at wendaevans@morethanjustweddings.com. This is our way of saying thank you for supporting such a valuable cause.
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