10 questions to help you look back over the past year.
1. What did I accomplish this year?
2. Who was there to support me throughout the year?
3. What did I learn about myself this year?
4. What did I stop, eliminate or let go of this year?
5. What one word best describes the year I just experienced?
6. What is something new that I learned how to do this year?
7. What did my friends, family or loved ones teach me this year?
8. What did I create this year?
9. How did I influence, empower or help someone this year?
10. What brought about the biggest growth in me this year?
And here are 5 more questions to help you create the new year you want to live.
1. What habit would I like to release or break this year?
2. What one big, bold goal would I like to accomplish this year?
3. If I could wave a (realistic) magic wand (that doesn't mean it can't be far fetched right at this moment, just nothing like unicorns and golden geese) what would my life, my relationships, my business look like this year?
4. What will I do to leave my comfort zone this year?
5. Who would I like to meet this year and how would that relationship or that connection help me to grow?